Jamie Tuttle

Orange Theory Coach Jamie is the leanest she’s ever been while burning more calories than ever before!

Jamie already worked out 5 days a week at Orangetheory, as a member and as a coach, but wasn’t seeing all of the results she was looking for. She knew that nutrition was the missing piece of the puzzle - as a mom of 3 kids it was easy to be tired at the end of the day and reach for carbs.

That afternoon slump was not going to cut it with her busy lifestyle, and she wanted to lose fat so she could see all her hard work paying off in the mirror!

As an Orangetheory coach at the busy Bothell Washington studio, she knew how important the push of a coach is to getting the best results, and by leveling up her nutrition she would lose fat, gain energy and build better habits that she could pass onto her kids.

Orange theory nutrition client loses body fat

Coach Kendal helped Jamie learn what her body really needed to fuel her busy life, with carbs in the morning before her workout and more protein later in the day to keep energy high.

It’s one thing to know what you need to do though, and another to actually do it! By having a coach for accountability, Jamie was able to stick to the changes that she knew she needed to make to lose fat and create new habits to maintain it.

At only 5 feet tall, a few pounds make a big difference on her small frame! She has lost 9 lbs of fat, gained 2 lbs of muscle, and decreased her bodyfat by ~6%!

inbody scan bodyfat loss

Look at the results of her inbody scan! 7 lbs of weight lost but her bodyfat percentage when from unhealthy to healthy, and with balanced nutrition she was even able to gain muscle!

Maintenance is VITAL. It’s a piece that many online nutrition coaches miss - they want the after picture and to send you on your way. That’s how you have yo-yo weight loss and regain! You have to take time to maintain your fat loss so it becomes your new baseline

Not only did Jamie lose fat, 4 inches around her booty and 2 around her waist, but her metabolism actually INCREASED because she gained muscle mass.

“My ultimate favorite part of this whole process was transitioning to maintenance. I’ve never once in my life tracked my food while not trying to loose weight. I feel like I get so much more food, and know how to have a piece of cake or doughnut from time to time vs craving them daily”

If you’d like to read about another mom who lost bodyfat without giving up the foods she loves, read about Katie and Katie (they don’t know each other, but I have to say we have great success with Katie’s from Texas haha!)

orange theory nutrition program

Gigi: Businesswoman and Mom


Katie L.