Katie T

Meet Katie, working mother of 4 beautiful children including her twin 7 month old girls!

How is she back at her pre-pregnancy weight already? How did she do it???

Well, to tell that story we will have to take a bit of a journey back in time.

“Before, I didn’t understand what was in the food I was eating. I thought overall I ate pretty healthy but turns out I was consuming much more fat than I was aware of.

I also learned a lot about portion sizes and that you can indeed eat too much of almost anything. I am so much more aware and thoughtful of what I put into my body now.”

We started working together when Katie was 6 weeks postpartum with her 2nd baby, and together lost the 60 lbs she’d gained during that pregnancy (plus a few more!)

In order to lose that weight, she needed the accountability of a coach. Someone to teach her about different macronutrients, help decide what to eat when she went to a restaurant, and how to balance her nutrition and weight loss goals with family time.

It hasn’t always been easy, but now Katie knows how to eat healthily at the water park or even a kids birthday party!

“My biggest hesitation before signing up for nutrition coaching was the thought of being judged on a weekly basis. After working with Bonnie for over 4 years, I can say I have never ONCE felt judged for any of my decisions. I am far from perfect and continue to have occasional nutritional mis-steps but Bonnie is always there with support & guidance rather than judgement.”

Katie’s advice: Be patient and give yourself grace. Some weeks there are big jumps on the scale and some there are none and that’s totally fine. Your body spent 10 months growing another human so it needs time to recover and heal!

I also focus on how to nourish my body versus trying to cut things out to drop the weight.”

And then, life took a turn.

Just as we thought that we were done with nutrition coaching and had transitioned to maintenance instead of weight loss, she got pregnant with the twins!

I continued to coach her throughout her pregnancy, gaining 50 lbs which is in line with her doctors recommendation for twins.

You’ll notice that was less than with her first pregnancy. And this was for two babies vs one!

Now, 7 months post partum, she is still breastfeeding both girls and has lost all the baby weight, returned to work fulltime and is starting back up at the gym to work on building more muscle and training for the Disney half marathon!


Katie L.

